FwSPR Spending Record by FAMware (UWP)

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The first step in anlyzing your finances is to know where the money is going. A Spending Record is a history of your money Transactions. Why keep a history? So you can analyze your spending patterns and set up a spending plan (or budget) to help you live within your means and succeed with finances.

Each time you spend you are completing a money Transaction which has the following history elements:
  • DATE - WHEN did you spend the money?
  • PAYEE - WHO did you pay the money to?
  • AMOUNT - How much MONEY did you spend?
  • CATEGORY - WHAT did you spend the money for (food, clothing, etc.)?
  • INSTRUMENT - HOW did you spend the money (cash, check, debit card, etc.)?
  • ACCOUNT - WHERE did the money come from (checking, savings, credit card, etc.)?
  • MEMO - WHY did you spend the money (a brief description)?
  • ID - Transactions have identifying numbers (TrID=Transaction ID, and/or Check Number).
  • There are 9 Main Menu selections:
    The first selection, Spending Record, is where you select an Account and enter Transactions.
    The next five main menu selections (2 - 6) display Setup Screens.
    The 7th menu selection is for selecting Reports. There are many reports you can choose from.
    The 8th menu selection is for selecting Database Utilities.
    The 9th menu selection is for selecting Help Screens.

    The five Setup Screens are for setting up Accounts, Payees, Categories, Subcategories, and Recurring Transactions.

    Payees, Categories, Subcategories, and Recurring Transactions can be added "on the fly" as you are entering Transactions, or you can add, change, and delete them using their Setup Screen.


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    Spending Record

    Get ahead of your finances. The place to start is to keep track of your expenditures, by category; for example, if Food is your category, Groceries, Dining Out, and Milk Delivery might be Subcategories. It's up to you.
    Once you have tracked expenditures for a while you will want to set up a Spending Plan (or budget, also included in FwSPR) where you can focus on areas to reduce unnecessary expenditures and increase income, so you can save the difference and increase wealth over time, so you can retire someday! Yay!!
    See "Why Everyone Needs A Spending Plan!" below. Download today, for free!
    To Order

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    Why Everyone Needs ...»

    The cost of groceries seems to be skyrocketing. Who can afford to eat anymore?

    Instructions for Adding a Transaction:

    Select "Spending Record" from the Main Menu.

    Select "Account Acronym" from the Acronym list (e.g., AFCUChkg = America First Credit Union Checking).

    Click Add to add a new transaction that will be added with the current (today's) date. Change the date as necessary to match the actual date of the transaction.

    At a minimum, all you need to do is enter the amount and select the sign (+ or -). But, if you want all the benefits of the SPR experience, do the following:

    Click the button named "Unassigned" and choose one of the quick-select choices (Deposit, Check, etc.) Or, click the Instrument Down-Arrow ("v") to select the applicable Transaction Instrument (Debit, Credit, Cash, Check, ETF, Bank, etc.)

    Click the "P^" button and Add or Select Payee Name.

    Enter the transaction Amount and, if not already selected, click the +- Down-Arrow ("v") button to indicate that the Amount is to Increase (+) or Decrease(-) the Account Balance (or skip to next step).

    Click the "C^" button and Add or Select a Category and, if applicable, a Subcategory. Selection will default the sign according to category's Transaction Type.

    If more information is needed, Tab to the Memo field and enter a short Description or Explanation.

    Click OK.

    Guidelines: Press Tab to move from field to field.
    At any time click the Sort (Recalc) button to calculate the running Account Balance field.
    Use the automatic Next Check Number feature when entering checks.
    Check "CLR" when amount clears and "CLR Bal" to reconcile to bank balance.

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